Real Beef

Real Beef! The older generation will understand this statement. Through the years our beef has changed in flavor; My husband and I was just talking about how our hamburgers have changed in taste since we were kids. I made the remark of how great it would be to have one of those burgers again. One week later we got introduced to CC Meats.

Learning the Truth about Our Beef:

Real Beef from CC Meats

I was absolutely amazed at why our beef taste so different today then 50 years ago. Stores don’t always buy high quality of beef to butcher, and sell to us. Did you know that some stores have the butchers inject water into the meat? This will make the meat swell so they get more poundage of meat. Yes we get a better price, but we don’t get the nutrients or flavors. A good example would be; Take a pot of coffee or what ever you drink then add water to it. “UCK! right” and no thank you.

It all has to do with how the cattle is raised and fed. Not all grass fed beef is the same; because it will depend on the nutrients in the grass they are gracing on and the nutrients in the soil. CC Meats has for generations followed the natural science of nature to allow their cattle to graze on the most nutritional grasses on over 40,000 acres of pastures. Therefore their beef has 64% more nutrient enriched beef then any other grass fed beef.

See and Taste the Difference of Store Bought Beef and CC Meats:

Food for Thought:

Real Beef from CC Meats

I have traveled from coast to coast over the years, and seen the Beautiful landscape of this Country. Through my travels I have noticed how cattle and farm fields are different, (It doesn’t have to do with the area that you are in). One field can be lush and the corn or beans look so delicious; and a field a few miles away is not so lush and appetizing looking. The same goes for cattle or any life stock. What they are living in, how the are fed, and the conditions of their area plays a huge role on how nutrienial the meat is for us. Ask yourself this; You have two farms you are thinking about buying from. First farm the cows are living in a pasture of mud, very limited grass to eat. Farm two has their cows in a lush green pasture. Who are you going to buy from?

Get More Information

CC Meat has more great information on their website about who they are, and some history behind what they do.

Now that you are having the best meat you can; Have the best wine with it. Check out our Wine Magic page for True Fine Wines.

It’s time to make some Real Hamburgers and have a Glass of Fine Wine with it!