Ghost! Are They Real?

Ghost Are They Real? I know they are real. Ghost have always been fascinating to me. Even as a child I was into spooky movies; and Loved to hear Ghost Stories. Give me a haunted Place to go to; I am there!

Are Ghost Real?

Ghost Are The Real, a picture of a Ghost with a Surprised look.

I believe in Ghost and/or Spitits; and yes I have seen a few, call me crazy if you want; But I have also talked to a few too. But! There is still a Big Debate on if Ghost are real or Not. I’m going to give you a few thoughts to Pounder. Are body only houses our life energy; Are body is not the life energy. If your hose is destroyed by a Tornado, fire, or for any reason you have to leave it. You Leave it behind and move to another place. That is what our life energy does. When our body gives out; your life energy has to move out and go some where.

People are afraid of the unknown; I get that! And some of the people who don’t believe is because they are afraid of something they can’t see. The number one response from a non-believer on they don’t believe is; I have never seen a ghost and I won’t believe until I do. This Statement make a lot of since.

Let me ask a few Questions. Have you every heard noises that you didn’t know where it came from, you told yourself that it had to be something? Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you? Have you ever seen movement from the corner of your eye, and just told yourself that your eyes are playing tricks on you?

All these can be very true; A lot of noises can be explained; We all can get uneasy feelings; And of course our eyes can play tricks on us. But is that what is really happening 100% of the Time?

The Different Hauntings:

Ghost Are They Real, picture of three ghost.

Ghost Loop: A ghost loop is just that; This should be called a Haunting Loop. When something tragic happens it can leave an Imprint of that Tragedy on the spot where it happened. There is no real Spirit; it is like a video replaying it self. There is nothing that can hurt you with this. You will most likely see it or hear it or Both. It can leave a residue of the tragic energy, but it will dissipate.

Residual Hauntings: This is nothing more then a video or recording of things that have happened in the space. This is much like a Ghost Loop; But different because These don’t necessarily repeat. You can see the same Spirit in different areas of the house/place. You can hear different noises. Residual is not contained to one spot repeating.

Intelligent Hauntings: Intelligent hauntings is where a Ghost knows where they are st and what they are doing. They are the person they where in life; but with out a physical body. With enough energy they can move items; Talk; And Touch. They are also quite aware of the people and world around them. They do have the some feelings as they did in there body.

How to Live With an Intelligent Ghost:

Ghost Are They Real, two smiling ghost

These Ghost are the same person that they were in life. With that being said; Not all Spirits were good people when living. These Ghost will never be nice and can cause a lot of Chaos for anyone around it. Never try to get rid of a Ghost on your own; You can cause more intense nasty behaviors from them.

Now for your good Ghost; You can live with them; But there are things you will have to do to keep the peace in your house. Acknowledge That they are there; A simple Hi I’m home. If you want to remodel; let them know what you are going to be doing. Have a talk with them and set the boundaries of what you expect from them. Such as Stay out of the bedrooms; No scaring the kids. But you do have to be respectful to your Ghost also.

Haunted House Hunting:

I am always on the look out for a good Haunted House to visit. This can take me to a lot of places; and a lot of weekend trips. There was a time when I had to pick and choose where I wanted to go. I don’t like having to pick one place over the other. Now I don’t have to because; I have found a site that has saved me money on all my travel needs.

I hope you have enjoyed this page; and got some Tips; On our Ghostly friends.