Ghost Hunting

I have always been a believer that Ghost are Real; So of Course Ghost Hunting is a Hobby to me. Plus! I love the Thrill of being Creeped out.

This site is going to give you tips on how to have a successful Ghost Hunt. Such as equipment to use; How to conduct yourself; And How to find places to Hunt.

Our Equipment:

  1. A hand held recorder is great for getting EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon); I believe the reason that we can here Spirits on a recorder and not with our ears; Is that the EMF of the recorder gives the Spirit the energy to be heard. Spirits are Energy and Recorders give off Energy Waves. “This is just my Theory”
  2. Cameras is your next best thing to use. You can use; Cell phone will work; A hand help camera; A Polaroid Camera is really good to use. Tip: When you get the felling that something is in a certain area; snap several photos; one after the other. Make sure you check each photo carefully.
  3. EMF Detector is great to have to detect higher EMF in an area. Tip: Walk around a room to get the base reading of EMF; If there is a spike of EMF; First check to see if there is anything electrical around the spike. If there isn’t, this would be a good time to pull out the recorder.
  4. Motion and Vibration Sensors are good to have around. you can place them in different areas and if one goes off; go to that area. You can sit these in the area your are in and invite the Ghost to make it go off. Tip: This is also a great way to have the Ghost answer yes and no questions. Note: There are many types of these Sensors.
  5. Flash Lights. Always have a flash light with you.

There is so much Ghost Hunting Equipment out there; And all kinds of Price ranges. When I’m looking for new equipment my self. I have a place that I shop where I can save on everything I need, or want. Truly all you need to have a successful Hunt is 3 Items; Camera; Recorder; Flash Light. Add a Motion Senor for even a Better Hunt. You can also get Apps on your Cell Phones; Like a Spirit Box; Ghost Detector; And more.

Finding Places To Ghost Hunt:

Here are a few ways you can find places to Ghost Hunt.

  1. If you have a Social Media site; this is a great place to start. Just ask if anyone believes they live in a Haunted House. When you get a response; Ask if they would Like to have an investigation done. Tip: There should be at lest two of you and Have a Name for your Group.
  2. Cemeteries are always fun to Hunt in; Tip: Be very respectful While you are there. Plus if The Cemetery has Hours you May want to get Permission before going in.
  3. Look for Ghost Hunting Groups in our area; And there are groups Online that Host Ghost Hunting Tours. If you do decide to do some Traveling; Save on all your Traveling needs. “I do”
  4. Lakes can be a good place also; specially if Tragic things have Happened there.

How to Conduct Yourself During An Investigation:

Always treat each investigation Serious; specially when in another persons house. Do not run if you get scared; Do not scream when you get Scared. You can have reactions; we all do! Just try to keep calm. Spirits don’t understand that when you ask them to speak to you; Or show them selves; And then the people scream and run.

  1. Stay calm while you are investigating.
  2. Never be rude to the Ghost.
  3. Never Provoke a Spirit.
  4. Stay Respectful at all times.
  5. Say a prayer of Protection before doing an Investigation; And After before you leave. This will help with Spirits not attaching to you; And you want to Protect yourself from any Negative Entities.

Happy Ghost Hunting:

I hope you found this article Helpful and Informational. I do love to talk about Ghost! Maybe in the Future I will add some Ghost Stories; So come back to check on that. You can also check out; Ghost! Are They Real?

Please remember: When Ghost Hunting; Be Respectful (Ghost are People with out bodies). Treat them the way you would want to be treated. Because you never know where your Life Energy will go; when it leaves your body.

Be Safe! And Happy Hauntings To You!